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  原文標(biāo)題:Ad tech is killing the online experience


  PART 1


 ?、瘼賂here’s something so wonderfully easy about reading this column in a physical newspaper. ②You turned the page, and here it is, with few annoyances or distractions, in an ultra-high-definition typeface which was custom-designed with pleasurable reading in mind. ③Or – wait – are you reading this on a phone? ④Did you follow a link from Twitter, or Facebook? ⑤Or maybe you’re on a train, or a plane, or you’re trying to use your laptop on your cousin’s crappy Wi-Fi connection out in the countryside somewhere. ⑥In which case, there’s a pretty good chance that even getting this far is some kind of minor miracle.

 ?、颌賅hen talking about the economics of online publishing, the first thing to remember is that job No 1 isn’t to get the news to you.②Rather, it is to monetise you, by selling you off, in real time, to the highest bidder.③This happens every time you click on a link, before the page has even started to load on your phone. ④Once upon a time, if you and I both visited the same web page at the same time using the same web browser, we would end up seeing the same thing. ⑤Today, however, an almost unthinkably enormous ecosystem of scripts and cookies and auctions and often astonishingly personal information is used to show you a set of brand messages and sales pitches which are tailored almost uniquely to you.

  Ⅲ①That ecosystem raises important questions about privacy and just general creepiness —— the way that the minute you look at a pair of shoes online, for instance, they then start following you around every other website you visit for weeks. ②But whether or not you value your privacy, you are damaged, daily, by the sheer weight of all that technology.

 ?、簪貽nline ads have never got less annoying over time, and you can be sure that mobile ads are going to get more annoying as well, once Silicon Valley has worked out how to better identify who you are. ②The move to greater privacy protections might help slow the pace with which such technologies are adopted. ③But there’s no realistic hope that websites will actually improve from here. ④If you want to avoid the dreadful experience of the mobile web, you’ll only have one choice —— which is to start reading your articles natively, in the Facebook or Apple News app. ⑤But it won’t be Facebook and Apple who killed the news brands. ⑥ It’ll be ad tech.

  PART 2


  1. distraction [d?'stræk?(?)n] n. 注意力分散;消遣;心煩意亂

  2. ultra-high-definition 超高清的

  3. *crappy ['kræp?] adj. 蹩腳的;糟糕的;沒價(jià)值的

  4. *monetise ['m?nitaiz] vt. 使貨幣化;把…定位法定貨幣

  5. bidder['b?d?]n . 投標(biāo)人;出價(jià)人;命令者

  6. cookies ['k?kiz] n. 儲(chǔ)存在用戶本地終端上的數(shù)據(jù)

  7. tailor ['te?l?] vt. 剪裁、使合適;n. 裁縫;vi. 做裁縫

  8. *creepiness ['kri?p?nis] n. 毛骨悚然

  9. dreadful['dredf?l; -f(?)l] adj. 可怕的;糟透的,令人不快的


  PART 3


  Ⅰ①There’s something so wonderfully easy about reading this column in a physical newspaper. ②You turned the page, and here it is, with few annoyances or distractions, in an ultra-high-definition typeface which was custom-designed with pleasurable reading in mind. ③Or – wait – are you reading this on a phone? ④Did you follow a link from Twitter, or Facebook? ⑤Or maybe you’re on a train, or a plane, or you’re trying to use your laptop on your cousin’s crappy Wi-Fi connection out in the countryside somewhere. ⑥In which case, there’s a pretty good chance that even getting this far is some kind of minor miracle.


  點(diǎn)評(píng):選文第一段用情景再現(xiàn)和類比的手法,將紙質(zhì)版舒適的閱讀體驗(yàn)與智能設(shè)備上被廣告不斷騷擾后糟糕的閱讀體驗(yàn)作對(duì)比,表達(dá)了作者對(duì)網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告造成的不良影響表示強(qiáng)烈不滿。①②句先描述了一幅閱讀紙質(zhì)版圖書時(shí)舒適的閱讀體驗(yàn),so wonderfully easy(輕而易舉),few annoyances or distraction(免受廣告的煩擾),custom-designed(為顧客量身定做的,custom,adj. 定做的),ultra-high-definition typeface(超高清的字體),pleasurable reading(舒適閱讀)等將紙質(zhì)版的極致閱讀體驗(yàn)描述得淋漓盡致。③句話鋒一轉(zhuǎn),以疑問句的形式由極致的紙質(zhì)版閱讀體驗(yàn)過渡到智能設(shè)備的閱讀上,引出下文糟糕的閱讀體驗(yàn)描述。④⑤句具體描述在智能設(shè)備上糟糕的閱讀體驗(yàn):不時(shí)被推特臉書等煩擾,信號(hào)糟糕透頂,網(wǎng)頁刷不開等,與前文舒適的紙質(zhì)版閱讀體驗(yàn)形成鮮明對(duì)比,暗示下文將要對(duì)智能設(shè)備上的“惱人”因素進(jìn)行批判。⑥句作總結(jié):能閱讀到現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)很不容易了。注意,第一段用you第二人稱的方式,拉近了與讀者間的距離,使讀者仿佛有身臨其境的感受。

  Ⅱ①When talking about the economics of online publishing, the first thing to remember is that job No 1 isn’t to get the news to you.②Rather, it is to monetise you, by selling you off, in real time, to the highest bidder.③This happens every time you click on a link, before the page has even started to load on your phone. ④Once upon a time, if you and I both visited the same web page at the same time using the same web browser, we would end up seeing the same thing. ⑤Today, however, an almost unthinkably enormous ecosystem of scripts and cookies and auctions and often astonishingly personal information is used to show you a set of brand messages and sales pitches which are tailored almost uniquely to you.


  點(diǎn)評(píng):第二段集中批判智能設(shè)備中植入的廣告科技給讀者帶來的一系列隱患。①句總起說明網(wǎng)上出版物的理念絕非是報(bào)道新聞,而是經(jīng)濟(jì)利益(economics of online publishing )驅(qū)動(dòng)的。②句具體說明利益驅(qū)動(dòng)的實(shí)質(zhì)是利用讀者的價(jià)值,作為消費(fèi)群體賣給更高的出價(jià)者。monetise(take advantage of the value of people or things) 一詞形象地說明網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告的真正嘴臉只是利益。③用實(shí)際情形例證②句,具體說明讀者的經(jīng)濟(jì)價(jià)值是如何被利用的。④句回憶過去大家不被廣告侵?jǐn)_,界面一致的體驗(yàn),與⑤句個(gè)人信息被大量泄露,被個(gè)性化定制的品牌和銷售廣告侵?jǐn)_體驗(yàn)形成鮮明對(duì)比,懷古旨在撫今,暗含了作者對(duì)廣告科技的強(qiáng)烈不滿。

 ?、螈賂hat ecosystem raises important questions about privacy and just general creepiness —— the way that the minute you look at a pair of shoes online, for instance, they then start following you around every other website you visit for weeks. ②But whether or not you value your privacy, you are damaged, daily, by the sheer weight of all that technology.


  點(diǎn)評(píng):第三段是對(duì)一二段現(xiàn)象描述的升華,提出文章中心議題:隱私被侵犯。creepiness(horrible things)一詞形象地說明了隱私侵犯給大家造成的心理恐慌。①句破折號(hào)前指出隱私被侵犯這一議題,破折號(hào)后是對(duì)隱私被侵犯的實(shí)際例證——瀏覽歷史會(huì)一直保存并長(zhǎng)時(shí)間出現(xiàn)在界面上。②指出這一現(xiàn)象的惡劣結(jié)果:我們被無處不在的廣告科技?jí)旱藐J不過氣來。

  Ⅳ①Online ads have never got less annoying over time, and you can be sure that mobile ads are going to get more annoying as well, once Silicon Valley has worked out how to better identify who you are. ②The move to greater privacy protections might help slow the pace with which such technologies are adopted. ③But there’s no realistic hope that websites will actually improve from here. ④If you want to avoid the dreadful experience of the mobile web, you’ll only have one choice —— which is to start reading your articles natively, in the Facebook or Apple News app. ⑤But it won’t be Facebook and Apple who killed the news brands. ⑥ It’ll be ad tech.


  點(diǎn)評(píng):最后一段針對(duì)日益惱人的廣告科技提出了可能性的解決措施。①句描述了一旦追蹤技術(shù)進(jìn)步到如何更好定位客戶位置,手機(jī)廣告會(huì)越來越惱人的發(fā)展趨勢(shì),論證了下文提出解決措施的必要性。②句點(diǎn)出第一條可能性的解決措施:隱私保護(hù)。③but話鋒一轉(zhuǎn),隨即又提出了隱私保護(hù)對(duì)免受網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告的煩擾無濟(jì)于事,進(jìn)而④句提出第二個(gè)解決方案:放棄新聞品牌,傻傻在臉書或者推特上看新聞。dreadful(causing fear ordread or terror)回應(yīng)前文的creepiness,同義復(fù)現(xiàn)的形式強(qiáng)調(diào)了廣告科技對(duì)讀者造成的侵?jǐn)_。⑤⑥句說明轉(zhuǎn)戰(zhàn)臉書或者推特也是無奈之舉,真正的罪魁禍?zhǔn)走€是廣告科技本身。




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